This is a game I am having with Jemima at the moment. I think it's stalemate!
Since I put this post up, Maalie pointed out that my comments were being moderated. I had no idea, but fiddled about on the settings, and lo and behold, there appeared 19 comments waiting to be moderated, all from my last post. I do apologise for not answering these comments. Until today, I had no idea they were there waiting for me. Especially the one that asked me whether I had run away with Martin. Actually, well ... er ... MARTIN ...?? where are you ..??
Stalemate? I can see a move there worth at least 50 points!
where would that be?
I'll give you a little time to work it out for yourself :-)
What a very sophisticated shape this has. Nothing we play has ever looked this flash. I am surprised you don't put up a screen take of your last beginning!!!
Ooh, you play Lexulous? Let me know if you fancy a game.
Facebook is the culprit, hey? Someone invited me on and I just haven't gotten up the nerve, or more precisely the time, and even more precisely than that, the will to do it.
But it sounds like you're hooked!
That's an incredible game. It would be a shame to make any more moves because it would upset the symmetry of the board!
I'm so poor at word games like Scrabble or the ones where you "unscramble" a word that I haven't even tried this one!
It is good to see you back here though!
Word verification is "riagands". How funny is that?
Lexulous. What a funny word. Sounds like a dictionary with nits? Does it have a meaning?
Yeah.... I'm wondering too.... about Martin I mean.
I haven't tried Facebook, cos I know I'd never get anything else done.
Hello lorenzy bum, like you I have been away for a while from the blogging scene but now I am back!
Put a picture of you on my blog tonight.
Have a good bank holiday weekend my friend!
Wow - a half marathon! I'm truly impressed!! I hope you don't end up with a blister that the one Simon has pictured on his blog!
I have never heard of this game! And, I know - I am addicted to Facebook, too... If you are interested, check out my artist page there! Hope all is well! Cheers from Boston! :D
shes ALIVE!!!!!
Hi Llama - how was the running?
I finally merged the two blogs so you'll find me at "halfmom" from now on!
Hey Lorenzo.... my new grandson arrived yesterday!
Second grandchild due on Monday? Is that going to happen in Japan? How exciting.... keep me informed!
BTW baby Isaac is SO SWEET. I held him for ages today.
My head hurts due to drinking too much cloudy cider last night, help me lorenzybum!
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